Command-line parameters

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Command Line Parameters
Name Parameter Description
Host Server -host x This enables the multiplayer\game server switch instance. Thus, Zandronum will not load the game normally for just one user, but publicly. Furthermore, the 'x' signifies how many clients can connect to the server. For example: -host 16 which will allow up to 16 clients max.
Port -port x This specifies the UDP port the server will listen on.
No LAN advertising -nobroadcast When used with '-host', the server will not advertise within the Local Area Network.
Private Game Server -private When used with '-host', the server will not publicly broadcast to the master server.
UPnP -upnp (x) Enable Universal Plug-and-Play support on Zandronum. The game server tries to automatically add a port mapping on the router that connects the game server to the internet. The external port of the mapping can be overridden by (x) if invoked with "-upnp x". For example: -upnp 10666
Force IP -useip x.y.z.a This will set Zandronum to only listen to the network adapter that contains the specified IPv4 address. However, if this command is not used, by default, Zandronum will listen from all network adapters that are available within the system. This command can be ignored if there is no multiple network adapters, or if wanting Zandronum to listen to all network adapters available. For example: -useip
Disallow STDIN -noinput Available in the Linux platform, the console will only print messages but will never accept and input within the game server's console directly. The game server can still be controlled remotely, but not directly within the actual server. Note: This does not hide the output from Zandronum from your current shell. You can do that by appending to following to your command line parameters:

> /dev/null 2>&1

Include files -file Include a specific file to be loaded within the instance. The file can be a WAD, PK3, PK7, ZIP, 7z, BEX, BEH, DEH, CLD files.
Execute Script (.cfg) -exec (or +exec) Executes a script file that houses configurations such as settings that can be used within the virtual world and generalized game server specific settings, such as how votes are managed.
No Monsters -nomonsters Enables the 'SV_NoMonsters' DMFlag
Monsters Respawn -respawn Enables the 'SV_MonsterRespawn' DMFlag
Fast Monsters -fast Enables the 'SV_FastMonsters' DMFlag
Commands +(Command [Value]) This can allow the possibility to pass commands (such as CVar's and CCMD's) when invoking Zandronum. For example: +SV_WeaponStay True
Record Demo -record When used, Zandronum will record all actions that take place within the multiplayer game. These demos can be played back later with the -playdemo parameter and the same exact WAD files.
Replay Demo -playdemo Plays back the specified demo file. The wads the demo was recorded with must be loaded - a descriptive error prompt will be displayed otherwise.
Max Particles -numparticles x This parameter is a override for the Console Variable: R_MaxParticles with a new value. Additionally, the 'x' is a value limit for how many particles will be rendered. For example: -numparticles 1400
Optional PWAD -optfile The game server can allow the ability for connecting-clients (players) to join the game server without needing the optional listed PWAD's. However, it is recommended to use this feature for additional customizations such as: announcers, music, high resolution textures, 3D Models, Voxel packs, etc.

-optfile "C:\Games\Zandronum\WADs\SVDoom.wad"

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