Version history/1.3

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Zandronum 1.3
Release date 5 October 2014
Previous 1.2.2
Next 2.0

Zandronum 1.3 is a minor update for Zandronum that was released on 5 October 2014.


  • Added persistent storage based on an SQLite3 database. The new CVAR databasefile controls where the database is saved (defaults to ":memory:", i.e. volatile in-memory database) and the new CVAR database_maxpagecount (defaults to 32768) controls the maximal allowed size in pages of the database. The new ACS functions allow mods to access the underlying database. [Torr Samaho]
    • void SetDBEntry ( string Namespace, string Key, int Value )
    • int GetDBEntry ( string Namespace, string Key ),
    • void SetDBEntryString ( string Namespace, string Key, string Value )
    • string GetDBEntryString (string Namespace, string Key )
    • void IncrementDBEntry ( string Namespace, string Key, int Increment )
    • int SortDBEntries ( string Namespace, int Limit, int Offset, bool Descending )
    • int CountDBResults ( int Handle )
    • void FreeDBResults ( int Handle )
    • string GetDBResultKeyString ( int Handle, Index )
    • string GetDBResultValueString ( int Handle, Index )
    • int GetDBResultValue ( int Handle, Index )
    • int GetDBEntryRank ( string Namespace, string Key, bool Descending )
    • void BeginDBTransaction ( )
    • void EndDBTransaction ( )
    • int GetDBEntries ( string Namespace )
  • Added the Zandronum side of an optional account system based on authentication with the Secure Remote Password (SRP) protocol, AlexMax is working on the login server (
    • The login server hostname can be specified with the new CVAR authhostname (masterhostname analog, port can be specified with ":port").
    • The new CCMD login allows a client to authenticate with the auth server the server has selected with its authhostname setting.
    • The new CVAR sv_forcelogintojoin (default false) can prevent unauthenticated players from joining the game (they can still connect as spectators).
    • The new ACS functions "int PlayerIsLoggedIn( int Player )" and "string GetPlayerAccountName ( int Player )" allow mods to obtain information about the account of a player. [Torr Samaho]
  • Added new dmflag sv_sharekeys. When enabled, any keys picked are shared between players. Also, players joining the game get the keys others have as well. [Dusk]
  • The ACS commands TakeInventory, SetActorProperty (only for speed and gravity) and SetAmmoCapacity don't cause network traffic unless they actually make a change to the affected actor. [Torr Samaho]
  • The text scaling scaling mechanism (controlled by con_scaletext, con_virtualwidth and con_virtualheight) now can use the aspect ratio of the screen instead of 4:3. The new behavior can be activated using a new option in the text scaling menu or with the new CVAR con_scaletext_usescreenratio. [Torr Samaho]
  • The authentication mechanism for non-map related lumps now allows Freedoom 0.8/Doom clients to join Doom/Freedoom 0.8 servers. [Torr Samaho]
  • Added a client movement buffer. Instead of processing all movement commands of a client immediately, they are stored in this buffer now. Each tic per client up to two commands in this buffer are processed. This way, players with an instable connection shouldn't appear as teleporting instead of moving to players with a stable connection. Note: This only changes how a player perceives the movement of other players. It has not effect on how a player perceives his own movement. [Torr Samaho]
  • The mdk cheat command can now be used online in cheat servers. Unlike in ZDoom, it is also allowed in deathmatch modes. [Dusk]
  • The noclip command for spectators is now client-sided for increased responsivity. [Dusk]
  • Added new CVAR sv_forcerandomclass. If this is true, all players use the random player class regardless of the class they selected. [Torr Samaho]
  • Colored team names in exiting console messages and added extra console messages for CTF and Skulltag (scores, pickups, drops, etc.) (ported from Konar6's kpatch). [Torr Samaho]
  • Added clientside CVAR cl_overrideplayercolors that overrides players' color translations. Allies will take the color of cl_allycolor and enemies the color of cl_enemycolor. These CVARs are white and black by default, respectively. cl_enemycolor is no-op when there are more than 2 teams, though cl_allycolor will still apply. [Dusk]
  • Added new script type EVENT. By calling EVENT scripts the engine notifies a mod that a noteworthy event happened and also provides some information about the event using 'arg1' and 'arg2'. So far the following events are supported: [Torr Samaho, Water]
    • GAMEEVENT_PLAYERFRAGS (player frags another player)
    • GAMEEVENT_MEDALS (player receives a medal)
    • GAMEEVENT_CAPTURES (player captures the flag/skull)
    • GAMEEVENT_TOUCHES (player touches the flag/skull)
    • GAMEEVENT_RETURNS (the flag/skull is returned)
    • GAMEEVENT_ROUND_ENDS (the current round ends and the win sequence starts, e.g. when the fraglimit is hit)
    • GAMEEVENT_ROUND_ABORTED (the current round is ended prematurely, e.g. if all players leave the game)
  • Added new CCMD: listmusic, which will list all the currently loaded music. [Water]
  • Added settings to fine tune the PWO behavior (CVARs pwo_switchonsameweight and pwo_switchonunknown). [Circunei Z]
  • Added a new cvar: lobby, which applies lobby characteristics to a single map lump. In addition, if a map is set as a lobby map via the cvar, it is returned to after every other map. The lobby map is also returned to if the server is empty for more than 30 seconds. [AlexMax]
  • Added an alias for the islobby MAPINFO tag: lobby. [AlexMax]
  • Both types of lobby maps (MAPINFO and cvar) now ignore timelimits. [AlexMax]
  • Added new ACS function RequestScriptPuke which requests execution of the given script on the server. The function must only be called from CLIENTSIDE scripts the script executed must be NET. [Dusk]
  • Announcer sounds for pickups now can be disabled with the new CVAR cl_announcepickups (default true) (patch by dark-slayer-201). [Torr Samaho]
  • Added the new vote type "forcespec" that forces a player to spectate. It can be disabled with the new CVAR sv_noforcespecvote (default false). [Torr Samaho]
  • Added a connect sound that is played when a player connects to the server as spectator. It can be disabled with the new CVAR cl_connectsound (default true). Kudos to Revilution for creating a sound for this. [Torr Samaho]
  • Extended the vote kick protection for admins to include players logged into RCON (ported from Konar6's kpatch). [Torr Samaho]


  • Fixed: The server didn't report when the master server notified the server that it's banned (ported from Konar6's kpatch). [Torr Samaho]
  • Fixed: Blood actors (or anything else which do not use net IDs) within save games would crash the game upon loading. [Dusk]
  • Fixed: Clients were not properly informed about the reset of moving non-door polyobjects during map resets. [Torr Samaho]
  • Fixed: Using SetAmmoCapacity on an ammo type a player didn't have online caused the clients to assume that the player now has a small amount of this ammo type. [Torr Samaho]
  • Fixed: The view was not centered in demos when the recording player released the mouse look button and lookspring was true. [Torr Samaho]
  • Fixed: Players sometimes could jump up through solid 3D floors online when unlagged was on. [Torr Samaho]
  • Fixed: A_CrusaderRefire did not work properly online, causing the Crusader to desync. [Dusk]
  • Fixed: Strife's Flamethrower did not shake the player's view online. [Dusk]
  • Fixed: The server would crash with join passwords longer than 64 characters. [Dusk]
  • Fixed: Skins defined with SKININFO didn't work properly if the sprite entry was not set explicitly. [Torr Samaho]
  • Fixed: Tampered clients could insert ASCII control characters into chat messages (e.g. line breaks) (ported from Konar6's kpatch). [Torr Samaho]
  • Fixed: Strife's crossbow did not appear to use ammo on clients online. [Dusk]
  • Fixed: Clients using endgame while attempting to connect would not terminate the connection attempt. [Dusk]
  • Fixed: Telefregging shouldn't count towards awarding the Fisting and Spam medals (ported from Konar6's kpatch). [Torr Samaho]
  • Fixed: Toggle crouch shouldn't reset when menu is activated during a netgame. [Jam]
  • Fixed: Monsters would become "blind" if the player who awoke them by sound became a spectator. [Dusk]
  • Fixed: When spawning more than 2 hellstaff rains in Heretic, the old ones would linger around on the client instead of disappearing. [Dusk]
  • Fixed: The linetarget cheat now prints the actor's actual health value. [Dusk]
  • Fixed: When a player turned into spectator the dynamic lights associated to the player's body were not removed. [Torr Samaho]
  • Fixed: A_PoisonBagInit desyncs between the client and server. [Water]
  • Fixed: Medals now show for who you are spectating instead of always your own. [Water]
  • Fixed: The server possibly announced player disconnects for players that didn't fully connect. [Torr Samaho]
  • Fixed: When a player is damaged, don't send useless inconsistent values of HP and Armor (100/100) to the clients if they're not allowed to see the real HP/Armor. [Edward-san]
  • Fixed: Line_SetBlocking didn't work properly online. [Dusk]
  • Fixed: A_GiveInventory and A_GiveToTarget didn't work on CLIENTSIDEONLY actors. [Torr Samaho]
  • Fixed: "botdebug_walktest 1" caused the game to crash when the player was looking through the eyes of a non-player actor. [Torr Samaho]
  • Fixed: turn180 did not work as a spectator. [Dusk]
  • Fixed: Gravity was applied twice in one tic when running off a cliff with compat_123b33jumpphysics enabled when it shouldn't be. [AlexMax]
  • Fixed: Some ordinals weren't written correctly in the spectator queue message. [Esum]
  • Fixed: Non-interacting actors like map spots would have their TIDs reset to 0 on map resets. [Dusk]
  • Fixed: The server didn't load the archived value of SERVERINFO CVARs (e.g. sv_smartaim). [Torr Samaho]
  • Fixed: The chat length limit of 128s was not enforced online. [Dusk]
  • Fixed: The server could erroneously show "FindStateLabelAndOffset" warnings. [Torr Samaho]
  • Fixed: an opportune string could cause a buffer overflow while getting the address from a hostname. Thanks to kazzmir for reporting the vulnerability. [Edward-san]
  • Fixed: +WEAPON.NOAUTOAIM did not disable horizontal autoaim with projectile weapons. [Dusk]
  • Fixed: Monsters near the bottom of a ledge or fence sometimes appeared as teleporting up on clients online. [Torr Samaho]
  • Changed huffman code from Hexen II's to that provided by Vortex Cortex. [Blzut3, Vortex Cortex]
  • Changed the Offline Skirmish frag slider bar to go in intervals of 1 instead of 5. [Water]
  • The CCMD playerinfo now distinguishes true spectators from in game players (ported from Konar6's kpatch). [Torr Samaho]
  • Botscript rand() renamed to random() and now returns a value between min and max inclusive instead of leaving max out of the possibilities. Now is actually random and now swaps min and max if min is greater than max instead of throwing a runtime error. [Dusk]
  • Medals are only awarded when the game has started (is not in countdown). [Water]
  • If the map rotation is not empty, the server now prevents map/changemap votes to maps that are not in the rotation, regardless of whether of sv_maprotation is true. This allows the server to restrict these votes without enforcing the rotation itself, which would also enforce the order in which the maps are played (adapted from an old patch of TIHan). [Torr Samaho]
  • Renamed compat_123b33jumpphysics to compat_oldzdoomzmovement, which is a more accurate description of what the flag actually does. [AlexMax]
  • The server now ignores client ping packets that don't make sense. [Torr Samaho]
  • The team selection menu now is kept in sync with the local player's team, unless it was set to random. [Dusk]
  • Changed the chat muting report: the server will inform the muted client how much time is left also in seconds. [Edward-san]
  • Medals are only awarded when the game has started (is not in countdown). [Water]
  • If the map rotation is not empty, the server now prevents map/changemap votes to maps that are not in the rotation, regardless of whether of sv_maprotation is true. This allows the server to restrict these votes without enforcing the rotation itself, which would also enforce the order in which the maps are played (adapted from an old patch of TIHan). [Torr Samaho]
  • Renamed compat_123b33jumpphysics to compat_oldzdoomzmovement, which is a more accurate description of what the flag actually does. [AlexMax]
  • The server now ignores client ping packets that don't make sense. [Torr Samaho]
  • The team selection menu now is kept in sync with the local player's team, unless it was set to random. [Dusk]
  • Changed the chat muting report: the server will inform the muted client how much time is left also in seconds. [Edward-san]