List of ACS functions in Zandronum
This page contains a list of ACS functions which are currently supported in Zandronum. Please be aware that this page is updated manually and therefore can be missing functions. For the most up to date version, you can check the Zandronum source code.
Zandronum Only
See this page.
- ACS_Execute
- ACS_ExecuteAlways
- ACS_ExecuteWait
- ACS_ExecuteWithResult
- ACS_LockedExecute
- ACS_LockedExecuteDoor
- ACS_NamedExecute
- ACS_NamedExecuteAlways
- ACS_NamedExecuteWithResult
- ACS_NamedLockedExecute
- ACS_NamedLockedExecuteDoor
- ACS_NamedSuspend
- ACS_NamedTerminate
- ACS_Suspend
- ACS_Terminate
- ActivatorSound
- ActivatorTID
- AmbientSound
- Autosave
- BlueScore
- BlueTeamCount
- BlueTeamScore
- CancelFade
- CanRaiseActor
- Ceil
- Ceiling_CrushAndRaise
- Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseA
- Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist
- Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseSilentA
- Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStay
- Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStayA
- Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStaySilA
- Ceiling_CrushStop
- Ceiling_LowerAndCrush
- Ceiling_LowerAndCrushDist
- Ceiling_LowerByValue
- Ceiling_LowerByValueTimes8
- Ceiling_LowerInstant
- Ceiling_LowerToFloor
- Ceiling_LowerToHighestFloor
- Ceiling_LowerToLowest
- Ceiling_MoveToValue
- Ceiling_MoveToValueTimes8
- Ceiling_RaiseByValue
- Ceiling_RaiseByValueTimes8
- Ceiling_RaiseInstant
- Ceiling_RaiseToNearest
- Ceiling_Waggle
- ChangeActorAngle
- ChangeActorPitch
- ChangeCamera
- ChangeCeiling
- ChangeFloor
- ChangeLevel
- ChangeSkill
- ChangeSky
- CheckActorCeilingTexture
- CheckActorClass
- CheckActorFloorTexture
- CheckActorInventory
- CheckActorProperty
- CheckClass
- CheckFlag
- CheckFont
- CheckInventory
- CheckPlayerCamera
- CheckSight
- CheckWeapon
- ClassifyActor
- ClearActorInventory
- ClearForceField
- ClearInventory
- ClearLineSpecial
- cos
- CreateTranslation
- DamageThing
- Delay
- Door_Animated
- Door_Close
- Door_CloseWaitOpen
- Door_LockedRaise
- Door_Open
- Door_Raise
- DropInventory
- DropItem
- Elevator_LowerToNearest
- Elevator_MoveToFloor
- Elevator_RaiseToNearest
- Exit_Normal
- Exit_Secret
- FadeRange
- FadeTo
- FixedDiv
- FixedMul
- FixedSqrt
- Floor
- Floor_CrushStop
- Floor_Donut
- Floor_LowerByValue
- Floor_LowerByValueTimes8
- Floor_LowerInstant
- Floor_LowerToHighest
- Floor_LowerToLowest
- Floor_LowerToLowestTxTy
- Floor_LowerToNearest
- Floor_MoveToValue
- Floor_MoveToValueTimes8
- Floor_RaiseAndCrush
- Floor_RaiseAndCrushDoom
- Floor_RaiseByTexture
- Floor_RaiseByValue
- Floor_RaiseByValueTimes8
- Floor_RaiseByValueTxTy
- Floor_RaiseInstant
- Floor_RaiseToHighest
- Floor_RaiseToLowestCeiling
- Floor_RaiseToNearest
- Floor_TransferNumeric
- Floor_TransferTrigger
- Floor_Waggle
- FloorAndCeiling_LowerByValue
- FloorAndCeiling_LowerRaise
- FloorAndCeiling_RaiseByValue
- ForceField
- FS_Execute
- GameSkill
- Generic_Ceiling
- Generic_Crusher
- Generic_Crusher2
- Generic_Door
- Generic_Floor
- Generic_Lift
- Generic_Stairs
- GetActorAngle
- GetActorCeilingZ
- GetActorClass
- GetActorFloorTexture
- GetActorFloorZ
- GetActorLightLevel
- GetActorPitch
- GetActorPowerupTics
- GetActorProperty
- GetActorVelX
- GetActorVelY
- GetActorVelZ
- GetActorViewHeight
- GetActorX
- GetActorY
- GetActorZ
- GetAirSupply
- GetAmmoCapacity
- GetArmorInfo
- GetArmorType
- GetChar
- GetCVar
- GetCVarString
- GetLevelInfo
- GetLineActivation
- GetLineRowOffset
- GetLineUDMFFixed
- GetLineUDMFInt
- GetPlayerInfo
- GetPlayerInput
- GetPolyobjX
- GetPolyobjY
- GetScreenHeight
- GetScreenWidth
- GetSectorCeilingZ
- GetSectorFloorZ
- GetSectorLightLevel
- GetSectorUDMFFixed
- GetSectorUDMFInt
- GetSideUDMFFixed
- GetSideUDMFInt
- GetSigilPieces
- GetThingUDMFFixed
- GetThingUDMFInt
- GetUserArray
- GetUserCVar
- GetUserCVarString
- GetUserVariable
- GetWeapon
- GiveActorInventory
- GiveInventory
- GlassBreak
- Global
- HealThing
- HudMessage
- HudMessageBold
- IsMultiplayer
- IsPointerEqual
- IsTIDUsed
- Light_ChangeToValue
- Light_Fade
- Light_Flicker
- Light_ForceLightning
- Light_Glow
- Light_LowerByValue
- Light_MaxNeighbor
- Light_MinNeighbor
- Light_RaiseByValue
- Light_Stop
- Light_Strobe
- Light_StrobeDoom
- Line_AlignCeiling
- Line_AlignFloor
- Line_SetBlocking
- Line_SetTextureOffset
- Line_SetTextureScale
- LineAttack
- LineSide
- LocalAmbientSound
- LocalSetMusic
- Log
- MorphActor
- NoiseAlert
- PickActor
- Pillar_Build
- Pillar_BuildAndCrush
- Pillar_Open
- Plat_DownByValue
- Plat_DownWaitUpStay
- Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip
- Plat_PerpetualRaise
- Plat_PerpetualRaiseLip
- Plat_RaiseAndStayTx0
- Plat_Stop
- Plat_ToggleCeiling
- Plat_UpByValue
- Plat_UpByValueStayTx
- Plat_UpNearestWaitDownStay
- Plat_UpWaitDownStay
- PlayActorSound
- PlayerClass
- PlayerCount
- PlayerFrags
- PlayerInGame
- PlayerIsBot
- PlayerNumber
- PlayMovie
- PlaySound
- Polyobj_DoorSlide
- Polyobj_DoorSwing
- Polyobj_Move
- Polyobj_MoveTimes8
- Polyobj_MoveTo
- Polyobj_MoveToSpot
- Polyobj_OR_Move
- Polyobj_OR_MoveTimes8
- Polyobj_OR_MoveTo
- Polyobj_OR_MoveToSpot
- Polyobj_OR_RotateLeft
- Polyobj_OR_RotateRight
- Polyobj_RotateLeft
- Polyobj_RotateRight
- Polyobj_Stop
- PolyWait
- PrintBold
- Radius_Quake
- Radius_Quake2
- Random
- RedReturn
- RedTeamCount
- RedTeamScore
- ReplaceTextures
- Round
- Script
- ScriptWait
- Scroll_Ceiling
- Scroll_Floor
- Scroll_Texture_Both
- Scroll_Wall
- Sector_ChangeFlags
- Sector_ChangeSound
- Sector_SetCeilingPanning
- Sector_SetCeilingScale
- Sector_SetCeilingScale2
- Sector_SetColor
- Sector_SetCurrent
- Sector_SetDamage
- Sector_SetFade
- Sector_SetFloorPanning
- Sector_SetFloorScale
- Sector_SetFloorScale2
- Sector_SetFriction
- Sector_SetGravity
- Sector_SetLink
- Sector_SetPlaneReflection
- Sector_SetRotation
- Sector_SetTranslucent
- Sector_SetWind
- SectorDamage
- SectorSound
- SendToCommunicator
- SetActivator
- SetActivatorToTarget
- SetActorAngle
- SetActorPitch
- SetActorPosition
- SetActorProperty
- SetActorState
- SetActorVelocity
- SetAirControl
- SetAirSupply
- SetAmmoCapacity
- SetCameraToTexture
- SetCeilingTrigger
- SetCVar
- SetCVarString
- SetFloorTrigger
- SetFont
- SetGlobalFogParameter
- SetGravity
- SetHUDClipRect
- SetHudSize
- SetHUDWrapWidth
- SetLineActivation
- SetLineBlocking
- SetLineMonsterBlocking
- SetLineSpecial
- SetLineTexture
- SetMarineSprite
- SetMarineWeapon
- SetMugShotState
- SetMusic
- SetPlayerProperty
- SetPointer
- SetResultValue
- SetSkyScrollSpeed
- SetThingSpecial
- SetTranslation
- SetUserArray
- SetUserCVar
- SetUserCVarString
- SetUserVariable
- SetWeapon
- sin
- SinglePlayer
- SoundSequence
- SoundSequenceOnActor
- SoundSequenceOnPolyObj
- SoundSequenceOnSector
- SoundVolume
- Spawn
- SpawnDecal
- SpawnForced
- SpawnProjectile
- SpawnSpot
- SpawnSpotFacing
- SpawnSpotFacingForced
- SpawnSpotForced
- Sqrt
- Stairs_BuildDown
- Stairs_BuildDownSync
- Stairs_BuildUp
- Stairs_BuildUpDoom
- Stairs_BuildUpSync
- StartConversation
- StartSlideshow
- StopSound
- StrCaseCmp
- StrCmp
- StrCpy
- StrIcmp
- StrLeft
- StrLen
- StrMid
- StrParam
- StrRight
- Switch
- TagWait
- TakeActorInventory
- TakeInventory
- Teleport
- Teleport_EndGame
- Teleport_NewMap
- Teleport_NoFog
- Teleport_ZombieChanger
- TeleportGroup
- TeleportInSector
- TeleportOther
- Thing_Activate
- Thing_ChangeTID
- Thing_Damage
- Thing_Damage2
- Thing_Deactivate
- Thing_Destroy
- Thing_Hate
- Thing_Move
- Thing_Projectile
- Thing_Projectile2
- Thing_ProjectileAimed
- Thing_ProjectileGravity
- Thing_ProjectileIntercept
- Thing_Raise
- Thing_Remove
- Thing_SetConversation
- Thing_SetGoal
- Thing_SetSpecial
- Thing_SetTranslation
- Thing_Spawn
- Thing_SpawnFacing
- Thing_SpawnNoFog
- Thing_Stop
- ThingCount
- ThingCountName
- ThingCountNameSector
- ThingCountSector
- ThingSound
- ThrustThing
- ThrustThingZ
- Timer
- TranslucentLine
- UniqueTID
- UnMorphActor
- UseActorInventory
- UseInventory
- UsePuzzleItem
- VectorAngle
- VectorLength
- Warp