List of DECORATE functions in Zandronum
This page contains a list of DECORATE functions which are currently supported in Zandronum. Please be aware that this page is updated manually and therefore can be missing functions. For the most up to date version, you can check the actor files in the Zandronum source code.
Zandronum exclusive functions
- A_CheckRailReload
- A_FaceConsolePlayer
- A_FireRailgun (Note, this is different from ZDoom's)
Classic attack functions
- A_BetaSkullAttack
- A_BishopAttack
- A_BishopAttack2
- A_BrainExplode
- A_BrainScream
- A_BrainSpit
- A_BruisAttack
- A_BspiAttack
- A_Burnarea
- A_ClericAttack
- A_CPosAttack
- A_CPosRefire
- A_CrusaderChoose
- A_CrusaderRefire
- A_CrusaderSweepLeft
- A_CrusaderSweepRight
- A_CyberAttack
- A_DragonAttack
- A_DragonFlight
- A_DualPainAttack
- A_EntityAttack
- A_FatAttack1
- A_FatAttack2
- A_FatAttack3
- A_FighterAttack
- A_FiredAttack
- A_HeadAttack
- A_IceGuyAttack
- A_IceGuyMissileExplode
- A_ImpMsAttack
- A_InquisitorAttack
- A_KnightAttack
- A_LichAttack
- A_LichFireGrow
- A_LichIceImpact
- A_MageAttack
- A_MarineChase
- A_MarineLook
- A_MarineNoise
- A_M_BFGSound
- A_M_CheckAttack
- A_M_FireBFG
- A_M_FireCGun
- A_M_FireMissile
- A_M_FirePistol
- A_M_FirePlasma
- A_M_FireRailgun
- A_M_FireShotgun
- A_M_FireShotgun2
- A_MinotaurAtk1
- A_MinotaurAtk2
- A_MinotaurAtk3
- A_MinotaurCharge
- A_MntrFloorFire
- A_M_Punch
- A_M_Refire
- A_M_Saw
- A_M_SawRefire
- A_Mushroom
- A_PainAttack
- A_PainDie
- A_PosAttack
- A_ProgrammerMelee
- A_ReaverRanged
- A_SargAttack
- A_SentinelAttack
- A_SentinelRefire
- A_SerpentMeleeAttack
- A_ShootGun
- A_SkelFist
- A_SkelMissile
- A_SkullAttack
- A_SpawnFly
- A_SpawnSound
- A_Spectre3Attack
- A_SpidRefire
- A_SPosAttack
- A_SPosAttackUseAtkSound
- A_SpotLightning
- A_Srcr1Attack
- A_StalkerAttack
- A_TemplarAttack
- A_TimeBomb
- A_TroopAttack
- A_VileAttack
- A_VileTarget
- A_WizAtk3
- A_WraithMelee
Doom functions
- A_BabyMetal
- A_BarrelDestroy
- A_BFGSpray
- A_CloseShotgun2
- A_CPosRefire
- A_FatAttack2
- A_FatAttack3
- A_FatRaise
- A_FireCrackle
- A_Hoof
- A_LoadShotgun2
- A_MarineChase
- A_MarineLook
- A_MarineNoise
- A_M_BFGSound
- A_M_CheckAttack
- A_Metal
- A_M_FireBFG
- A_M_FireCGun
- A_M_FireMissile
- A_M_FirePistol
- A_M_FirePlasma
- A_M_FireRailgun
- A_M_FireShotgun
- A_M_FireShotgun2
- A_M_Punch
- A_M_Refire
- A_M_SawRefire
- A_OpenShotgun2
- A_SkelWhoosh
- A_SpidRefire
- A_StartFire
Freeze death functions
Generic Attack functions
- A_BasicAttack
- A_Blast
- A_BulletAttack
- A_ComboAttack
- A_CustomBulletAttack
- A_CustomComboAttack
- A_CustomMeleeAttack
- A_CustomMissile
- A_CustomRailgun
- A_Detonate
- A_Explode
- A_MeleeAttack
- A_MissileAttack
- A_MonsterRail
- A_MonsterRefire
- A_RadiusThrust
- A_ThrowGrenade
- A_WolfAttack
Heretic functions
- A_AccTeleGlitter
- A_AddPlayerRain
- A_BeakAttackPL1
- A_BeakAttackPL2
- A_BeakRaise
- A_BlueSpark
- A_DeathBallImpact
- A_DripBlood
- A_FireBlasterPL1
- A_FireCrossbowPL1
- A_FireCrossbowPL2
- A_FireGoldWandPL1
- A_FireGoldWandPL2
- A_FireMacePL1
- A_FireMacePL2
- A_FirePhoenixPL1
- A_FirePhoenixPL2
- A_FireSkullRodPL1
- A_FireSkullRodPL2
- A_FlameEnd
- A_FloatPuff
- A_GauntletAttack
- A_GenWizard
- A_GhostOff
- A_HideInCeiling
- A_ImpDeath
- A_ImpExplode
- A_ImpMsAttack
- A_ImpXDeath1
- A_InitPhoenixPL2
- A_KnightAttack
- A_LichAttack
- A_LichFireGrow
- A_LichIceImpact
- A_MaceBallImpact2
- A_MaceBallImpact
- A_MacePL1Check
- A_MakePod
- A_MinotaurAtk1
- A_MinotaurAtk2
- A_MinotaurAtk3
- A_MinotaurCharge
- A_MinotaurChase
- A_MinotaurDeath
- A_MinotaurDecide
- A_MinotaurLook
- A_MinotaurRoam
- A_MntrFloorFire
- A_PhoenixPuff
- A_PodPain
- A_RainImpact
- A_RemovePod
- A_ShutdownPhoenixPL2
- A_SkullRodStorm
- A_Sor1Chase
- A_Sor1Pain
- A_Sor2DthInit
- A_Sor2DthLoop
- A_SorcererRise
- A_SpawnRippers
- A_Srcr1Attack
- A_Srcr2Attack
- A_Srcr2Decide
- A_StaffAttack
- A_TimeBomb
- A_VolcanoBlast
- A_VolcanoSet
- A_VolcBallImpact
- A_WhirlwindSeek
- A_WizAtk1
- A_WizAtk2
- A_WizAtk3
Hexen functions
- A_BatMove
- A_BatSpawn
- A_BatSpawnInit
- A_BellReset1
- A_BellReset2
- A_BishopAttack
- A_BishopAttack2
- A_BishopChase
- A_BishopDecide
- A_BishopDoBlur
- A_BishopMissileWeave
- A_BishopPainBlur
- A_BishopSpawnBlur
- A_BounceCheck
- A_BridgeInit
- A_BridgeOrbit
- A_CFlameAttack
- A_CFlameMissile
- A_CFlamePuff
- A_CFlameRotate
- A_CheckTeleRing
- A_CheckThrowBomb2
- A_CheckThrowBomb
- A_CHolyAttack2
- A_CHolyAttack
- A_CHolyCheckScream
- A_CHolyPalette
- A_CHolySeek
- A_CHolyTail
- A_ClericAttack
- A_CMaceAttack
- A_CorpseBloodDrip
- A_CorpseExplode
- A_CStaffAttack
- A_CStaffCheck
- A_CStaffCheckBlink
- A_CStaffInitBlink
- A_CStaffMissileSlither
- A_DelayGib
- A_DragonAttack
- A_DragonCheckCrash
- A_DragonFlap
- A_DragonFlight
- A_DragonFX2
- A_DragonInitFlight
- A_DragonPain
- A_FAxeAttack
- A_FAxeCheckAtk
- A_FAxeCheckReady
- A_FAxeCheckReadyG
- A_FAxeCheckUp
- A_FAxeCheckUpG
- A_FHammerAttack
- A_FHammerThrow
- A_FighterAttack
- A_FiredChase
- A_FireConePL1
- A_FiredAttack
- A_FiredRocks
- A_FiredSplotch
- A_FloatGib
- A_FogMove
- A_FogSpawn
- A_FPunchAttack
- A_FSwordAttack
- A_FSwordFlames
- A_IceGuyAttack
- A_IceGuyChase
- A_IceGuyDie
- A_IceGuyLook
- A_IceGuyMissileExplode
- A_KBolt
- A_KBoltRaise
- A_KoraxBonePop
- A_KoraxChase
- A_KoraxCommand
- A_KoraxDecide
- A_KoraxMissile
- A_KSpiritRoam
- A_LastZap
- A_LeafCheck
- A_LeafSpawn
- A_LeafThrust
- A_LightningClip
- A_LightningReady
- A_LightningRemove
- A_LightningZap
- A_MageAttack
- A_MinotaurAtk1
- A_MinotaurAtk2
- A_MinotaurAtk3
- A_MinotaurCharge
- A_MinotaurChase
- A_MinotaurDeath
- A_MinotaurDecide
- A_MinotaurLook
- A_MinotaurRoam
- A_MLightningAttack
- A_MntrFloorFire
- A_MStaffAttack
- A_MStaffPalette
- A_MStaffTrack
- A_PigPain
- A_PoisonBagCheck
- A_PoisonBagDamage
- A_PoisonBagInit
- A_PoisonShroom
- A_PotteryCheck
- A_PotteryChooseBit
- A_PotteryExplode
- A_SerpentCheckForAttack
- A_SerpentChooseAttack
- A_SerpentHeadCheck
- A_SerpentHide
- A_SerpentHumpDecide
- A_SerpentLowerHump
- A_SerpentMeleeAttack
- A_SerpentRaiseHump
- A_SerpentSpawnGibs
- A_SerpentUnHide
- A_ShedShard
- A_SinkGib
- A_SmBounce
- A_SnoutAttack
- A_SoAExplode
- A_SorcBallOrbit
- A_SorcBallPop
- A_SorcBossAttack
- A_SorcererBishopEntry
- A_SorcFX1Seek
- A_SorcFX2Orbit
- A_SorcFX2Split
- A_SorcFX4Check
- A_SorcSpinBalls
- A_SpawnBishop
- A_SpawnFizzle
- A_SpeedBalls
- A_Summon
- A_TeloSpawnA
- A_TeloSpawnB
- A_TeloSpawnC
- A_TeloSpawnD
- A_ThrustImpale
- A_ThrustInitDn
- A_ThrustInitUp
- A_ThrustLower
- A_ThrustRaise
- A_WraithChase
- A_WraithFX2
- A_WraithFX3
- A_WraithInit
- A_WraithMelee
- A_WraithRaise
- A_WraithRaiseInit
- A_ZapMimic
Internal functions
- A_CallSpecial
- A_RestoreSpecialPosition
- A_RestoreSpecialDoomThing
- A_RestoreSpecialThing1
- A_RestoreSpecialThing2
Inventory functions
- A_CountdownArg
- A_DragonCheckCrash
- A_DropInventory
- A_DropItem
- A_GiveInventory
- A_GiveQuestItem
- A_GiveToChildren
- A_GiveToSiblings
- A_GiveToTarget
- A_RadiusGive
- A_SelectWeapon
- A_TakeFromChildren
- A_TakeFromSiblings
- A_TakeFromTarget
- A_TakeInventory
- A_Teleport
- A_Warp
Jump functions
- A_CheckCeiling
- A_CheckFlag
- A_CheckFloor
- A_CheckLOF
- A_CheckRange
- A_CheckSight
- A_Jump
- A_JumpIf
- A_JumpIfArmorType
- A_JumpIfCloser
- A_JumpIfHealthLower
- A_JumpIfInTargetInventory
- A_JumpIfInTargetLOS
- A_JumpIfInventory
- A_JumpIfMasterCloser
- A_JumpIfNoAmmo
- A_JumpIfTargetInLOS
- A_JumpIfTargetInsideMeleeRange
- A_JumpIfTargetOutsideMeleeRange
- A_JumpIfTracerCloser
Missile movement functions
- A_BatMove
- A_BishopMissileWeave
- A_CFlamePuff
- A_CFlameRotate
- A_CheckThrowBomb2
- A_CHolyTail
- A_Countdown
- A_CStaffMissileSlither
- A_Fire
- A_FireCrackle
- A_KSpiritRoam
- A_LeafThrust
- A_LightningClip
- A_MStaffTrack
- A_SeekerMissile
- A_SmBounce
- A_StartFire
- A_Stop
- A_Tracer
- A_Tracer2
- A_Warp
- A_Weave
- A_ZapMimic
Monster AI functions
- A_AlertMonsters
- A_BabyMetal
- A_BishopChase
- A_BishopDecide
- A_BishopDoBlur
- A_BishopPainBlur
- A_Burst
- A_CentaurDefend
- A_Chase
- A_ClearLastHeard
- A_ClearSoundTarget
- A_ClearTarget
- A_CopyFriendliness
- A_DamageChildren
- A_DamageMaster
- A_DamageSiblings
- A_Die
- A_DragonInitFlight
- A_ExtChase
- A_FaceMaster
- A_FaceTarget
- A_FaceTracer
- A_FastChase
- A_FatRaise
- A_Hoof
- A_InquisitorCheckLand
- A_InquisitorDecide
- A_InquisitorJump
- A_InquisitorWalk
- A_KillChildren
- A_KillMaster
- A_KillSiblings
- A_KoraxChase
- A_KoraxCommand
- A_KoraxDecide
- A_Look
- A_Look2
- A_LookEx
- A_Metal
- A_MinotaurChase
- A_MinotaurDecide
- A_MinotaurLook
- A_MinotaurRoam
- A_RaiseChildren
- A_RaiseMaster
- A_RaiseSiblings
- A_RearrangePointers
- A_RemoveChildren
- A_RemoveMaster
- A_RemoveSiblings
- A_SentinelBob
- A_SkelWhoosh
- A_Sor1Chase
- A_Sor1Pain
- A_Srcr2Attack
- A_Srcr2Decide
- A_StalkerChaseDecide
- A_StalkerLookInit
- A_StalkerWalk
- A_Teleport
- A_TransferPointer
- A_TurretLook
- A_VileChase
- A_Wander
Script functions
- ACS_NamedExecute
- ACS_NamedSuspend
- ACS_NamedTerminate
- ACS_NamedLockedExecute
- ACS_NamedLockedExecuteDoor
- ACS_NamedExecuteWithResult
- ACS_NamedExecuteAlways
Sound functions
- A_ActiveSound
- A_BrainAwake
- A_BrainPain
- A_FLoopActiveSound
- A_LoopActiveSound
- A_Pain
- A_PigPain
- A_PlayerScream
- A_PlaySound
- A_PlaySoundEx
- A_PlayWeaponSound
- A_Scream
- A_StopSound
- A_StopSoundEx
- A_VileStart
- A_XScream
Spawn functions
- A_Bang4Cloud
- A_BatSpawn
- A_BishopPainBlur
- A_BishopSpawnBlur
- A_BlueSpark
- A_BridgeInit
- A_CFlameMissile
- A_CHolyAttack2
- A_CorpseExplode
- A_DragonFX2
- A_DripBlood
- A_DropFire
- A_DropWeaponPieces
- A_EntityDeath
- A_Feathers
- A_FiredRocks
- A_FiredSplotch
- A_FogSpawn
- A_FSwordFlames
- A_GenWizard
- A_ImpExplode
- A_KBoltRaise
- A_KoraxBonePop
- A_KoraxMissile
- A_LastZap
- A_LeafSpawn
- A_LightningZap
- A_LoremasterChain
- A_SpawnEntity
- A_MakePod
- A_MaulerTorpedoWave
- A_PhoenixPuff
- A_PodPain
- A_PoisonBagInit
- A_PotteryExplode
- A_RemoveForceField
- A_RocketInFlight
- A_ShedShard
- A_SoAExplode
- A_SorcererRise
- A_SpawnDebris
- A_SpawnItem
- A_SpawnItemEx
- A_SpawnProgrammerBase
- A_SpawnRippers
- A_SpawnSingleItem
- A_SpectreChunkLarge
- A_SpectreChunkSmall
- A_Summon
- A_TossArm
- A_TossGib
- A_VolcanoBlast
- A_VolcBallImpact
- A_WraithFX2
Special action functions
- A_AlienSpectreDeath
- A_BarrelDestroy
- A_BossDeath
- A_BrainDie
- A_BridgeOrbit
- A_CheckPlayerDone
- A_CheckSightOrRange
- A_CheckTerrain
- A_ClassBossHealth
- A_CrispyPlayer
- A_CrusaderDeath
- A_GetHurt
- A_HandLower
- A_HideDecepticon
- A_ItBurnsItBurns
- A_KeenDie
- A_KlaxonBlare
- A_LineEffect
- A_Log
- A_LogInt
- A_PlayerSkinCheck
- A_Print
- A_PrintBold
- A_ProgrammerDeath
- A_Quake
- A_RemoveForcefield
- A_SetBlend
- A_SkullPop
Status change functions
- A_AccTeleGlitter
- A_AcolyteBits
- A_AcolyteDie
- A_ActiveAndUnblock
- A_AddPlayerRain
- A_BatSpawnInit
- A_BellReset1
- A_BellReset2
- A_BeShadowyFoe
- A_ChangeFlag
- A_ChangeVelocity
- A_CheckTeleRing
- A_ClearShadow
- A_DeathBallImpact
- A_DeQueueCorpse
- A_FadeIn
- A_FadeOut
- A_FadeTo
- A_Fall
- A_FlameDie
- A_FlameEnd
- A_FloatPuff
- A_GenWizard
- A_GhostOff
- A_Gravity
- A_HideThing
- A_IceSetTics
- A_ImpDeath
- A_ImpExplode
- A_ImpXDeath1
- A_KBolt
- A_LightningRemove
- A_LowGravity
- A_MacePL1Check
- A_MinotaurDeath
- A_NoBlocking
- A_NoGravity
- A_PotteryCheck
- A_PotteryChooseBit
- A_QueueCorpse
- A_RainImpact
- A_Respawn
- A_ScaleVelocity
- A_ScreamAndUnblock
- A_SerpentHide
- A_SerpentUnHide
- A_SetAngle
- A_SetArg
- A_SetDamageType
- A_SetFloat
- A_SetFloorClip
- A_SetGravity
- A_SetInvulnerable
- A_SetMass
- A_SetPitch
- A_SetReflective
- A_SetReflectiveInvulnerable
- A_SetScale
- A_SetShadow
- A_SetShootable
- A_SetSolid
- A_SetSpecial
- A_SetTics
- A_SetTranslucent
- A_SetUserArray
- A_SetUserVar
- A_Sor2DthInit
- A_StalkerDrop
- A_TimeBomb
- A_Turn
- A_UnHideThing
- A_UnsetFloat
- A_UnSetFloorClip
- A_UnSetInvulnerable
- A_UnSetReflective
- A_UnSetReflectiveInvulnerable
- A_UnSetShootable
- A_UnsetSolid
- A_VolcanoSet
- A_WhirlwindSeek
- A_WizAtk1
- A_WizAtk2
Strife functions
- A_AcolyteBits
- A_AcolyteDie
- A_AlienSpectreDeath
- A_Beacon
- A_BeShadowyFoe
- A_Burnarea
- A_Burnination
- A_ClearFlash
- A_CrispyPlayer
- A_CrusaderChoose
- A_CrusaderDeath
- A_CrusaderRefire
- A_CrusaderSweepLeft
- A_CrusaderSweepRight
- A_EntityAttack
- A_EntityDeath
- A_Explode512
- A_ExtraLightOff
- A_FireArrow
- A_FireFlamer
- A_FireGrenade
- A_FireMauler1
- A_FireMauler2
- A_FireMauler2Pre
- A_FireMiniMissile
- A_FireSigil1
- A_FireSigil2
- A_FireSigil3
- A_FireSigil4
- A_FireSigil5
- A_FlameDie
- A_HandLower
- A_HideDecepticon
- A_InquisitorAttack
- A_InquisitorCheckLand
- A_InquisitorDecide
- A_InquisitorJump
- A_InquisitorWalk
- A_ItBurnsItBurns
- A_JabDagger
- A_LightGoesOut
- A_LoremasterChain
- A_SpawnEntity
- A_MaulerTorpedoWave
- A_ProgrammerDeath
- A_ProgrammerMelee
- A_ReaverRanged
- A_RemoveForceField
- A_SelectPiece
- A_SelectSigilAttack
- A_SelectSigilDown
- A_SelectSigilView
- A_SentinelAttack
- A_SentinelRefire
- A_ShowElectricFlash
- A_SigilCharge
- A_SpawnProgrammerBase
- A_SpectralBigBallLightning
- A_SpectralLightning
- A_SpectralLightningTail
- A_Spectre3Attack
- A_SpectreChunkLarge
- A_SpectreChunkSmall
- A_SpotLightning
- A_StalkerAttack
- A_StalkerDrop
- A_StalkerChaseDecide
- A_StalkerLookInit
- A_StalkerWalk
- A_SubEntityDeath
- A_TemplarAttack
- A_TossArm
- A_WakeOracleSpectre
Weapon attack functions
- A_BeakAttackPL1
- A_BeakAttackPL2
- A_Blast
- A_CStaffAttack
- A_CStaffCheck
- A_CustomPunch
- A_FireArrow
- A_FireAssaultGun
- A_FireBFG
- A_FireBlasterPL1
- A_FireBullets
- A_FireCGun
- A_FireCrossbowPL1
- A_FireCrossbowPL2
- A_FireCustomMissile
- A_FireGoldWandPL1
- A_FireGoldWandPL2
- A_FireGrenade
- A_FireMacePL1
- A_FireMacePL2
- A_FireMauler1
- A_FireMauler2
- A_FireMauler2Pre
- A_FireMissile
- A_FireOldBFG
- A_FirePhoenixPL1
- A_FirePhoenixPL2
- A_FirePistol
- A_FirePlasma
- A_FireRailgun
- A_FireRailgunLeft
- A_FireRailgunRight
- A_FireShotgun2
- A_FireShotgun
- A_FireSkullRodPL1
- A_FireSkullRodPL2
- A_FireSTGrenade
- A_FPunchAttack
- A_GauntletAttack
- A_InitPhoenixPL2
- A_JabDagger
- A_Punch
- A_RailAttack
- A_Saw
- A_ShutdownPhoenixPL2
- A_SnoutAttack
- A_StaffAttack
Weapon functions
- A_BeakRaise
- A_CFlameAttack
- A_CheckForReload
- A_CheckReload
- A_CHolyAttack
- A_CHolyPalette
- A_ClearFlash
- A_ClearReFire
- A_CloseShotgun2
- A_CMaceAttack
- A_CStaffCheckBlink
- A_CStaffInitBlink
- A_FAxeAttack
- A_FAxeCheckAtk
- A_FAxeCheckReady
- A_FAxeCheckReadyG
- A_FAxeCheckUp
- A_FAxeCheckUpG
- A_FHammerAttack
- A_FHammerThrow
- A_FireConePL1
- A_FireFlamer
- A_FireMiniMissile
- A_FireSigil1
- A_FireSigil2
- A_FireSigil3
- A_FireSigil4
- A_FireSigil5
- A_FSwordAttack
- A_GunFlash
- A_Light0
- A_Light1
- A_Light2
- A_Light
- A_LightInverse
- A_LightningReady
- A_LoadShotgun2
- A_Lower
- A_MLightningAttack
- A_MStaffAttack
- A_MStaffPalette
- A_OpenShotgun2
- A_Raise
- A_Recoil
- A_ReFire
- A_ResetReloadCounter
- A_SelectPiece
- A_SelectSigilAttack
- A_SelectSigilDown
- A_SelectSigilView
- A_SetCrosshair
- A_ShowElectricFlash
- A_SigilCharge
- A_WeaponReady
- A_ZoomFactor