Revision as of 22:20, 21 August 2022 by DrinkyBird (talk | contribs) (Add SelfObituary)

For more information on the DECORATE lump and its use, see the ZDoom wiki's DECORATE article.

For a list of all the DECORATE functions supported by Zandronum, see List of DECORATE functions in Zandronum.

Action Functions

Actor Flags


Spawns the actor on the clientside. This only works for things on the map startup, meaning it will not affect newly spawned actors.
Actors with this flag will only be spawned and simulated clientside. If spawned serverside, the server will merely tell clients to spawn it. This is useful for graphical effects such as explosion sprites that do not need to be tracked by the server.
When spawned, actors with this flag will not be assigned a network ID, which is used to synchronise the actor state between the server and its clients. Only use this if you know what you are doing!
Players using a class with this flag enabled won't be identified when looked at.
Used in conjunction with the flag to make the player score a point if he/she is holding the flag/skull item.
Actors with this flag will never be spawned clientside, and can only be spawned by the server. As such, these actors will not be synced across the network, using no network bandwidth. Only use it on actors that are always invisible and don't block the movement of players.


A projectile or puff fired by an actor will always collide and push their teammates, even if sv_shootthroughallies or sv_dontpushallies are enabled.
Actors with this flag will trigger GAMEEVENT_ACTOR_SPAWNED just before their first tic.
Actors with this flag will never trigger GAMEEVENT_ACTOR_SPAWNED, even if ForceSpawnEventScripts is enabled in the GameInfo Definition.
Actors with this flag will trigger GAMEEVENT_ACTOR_DAMAGED just before they're about to take damage.
Actors with this flag will never trigger GAMEEVENT_ACTOR_DAMAGED, even if ForceDamageEventScripts is enabled in the GameInfo Definition.


Causes the item to respawn in survival, even if respawn items is off.


Allows the weapon to be used while in respawn protection.
This weapon is not given in the Last Man Standing game mode.
Makes rail attacks ignore armor.

Limited Use

Flags the actor as base/super health/armor, used by bot scripting.
Seems to have something to do with accuracy and precision medals. Defined on the grenade.

Actor Properties

  • Inventory.PickupAnnouncerEntry

Plays the specified announcer entry when the item is picked up.

  • LimitedToTeam teamindex

Forces the Player class to a certain team, i. e. LimitedToTeam 1 would assign this class to the second team in TEAMINFO (default Red; indexes start at 0 and 255 means not on a team and is set by default).

  • Player.MaxSkinSizeFactor

Adjusts player skin size limits. Example: Player.MaxSkinSizeFactor 3.44, 1.68 //This is also the limit for default skins.

  • Rune.Color color, alpha

Same as   Powerup.Color.

  • Rune.Type

Sets what the rune does, similar to   Powerup.Type. Possible values are DoubleDamage, DoubleFiringSpeed, Drain, Spread, HalfDamage, Regeneration, Prosperity, Reflection, HighJump, Speed25.

  • SelfObituary (development version 3.2-alpha and above only)

Defines the obituary used when a player kills themselves with an actor. As with the regular Obituary property, this should be applied to the projectile actor for projectile weapons.

  • VisibleToTeam teamindex

Makes the actor only visible for a certain team, i. e. VisibleToTeam 1 would make this actor only visible for the second team in TEAMINFO (default Red; indexes start at 0 and 255 means not on a team and is set by default).

  • VisibleToPlayerClass classname

Makes the actor only visible for a certain class.

  • Weapon.PreferredSkin

Forces the Player class to use a certain skin when the weapon is selected.

Damage Factors

  • spawntelefrag

A separate damage factor for the initial spawn frags with maps lacking player starts. This is different from the telefrag damagefactor.

  • deadspectate

A special damage type used by SetDeadSpectator when forcing a live player to dead spectators. No obituary message is printed with this damage type.