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3,526 bytes added ,  17 December 2021
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|  1048576
|  1048576
|  Monsters can't be pushed over dropoffs
|  Monsters can't be pushed over dropoffs
| Allow any bossdeath for level special
|  Compat_AnyBossDeath
|  2097152
|  If enabled, any actor type which calls A_BossDeath triggers the level's special, even if they are not supposed to. This emulates a pre-Doom v1.9 behavior which is exploited by [https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Doomsday_of_UAC Doomsday of UAC].
| No Minotaur floor flames in water
|  Compat_Minotaur
|  4194304
|  If enabled, maulotaurs are unable to create their floor fire attack if their feet are clipped by water, sludge, lava or other terrain effect. Note that the flames can still travel across water; this was on the part of Raven Software's developers as it was a bug found in the original clipping code and not an attempt at realism as some may have believed.
| Original A_Mushroom speed in DEH mods
|  Compat_Mushroom
|  8388608
|  If enabled, when the A_Mushroom codepointer is called from a state that was modified by a DeHackEd lump, it uses the original MBF behavior of the codepointer. This option does not affect states defined in DECORATE.
| Monster movement is affected by effects
|  Compat_MBFMonsterMove
|  16777216
|  If enabled, monsters are affected by sector friction, wind and pusher/puller effects, as they are in MBF. By default, monsters are not subjected to friction and only affected by wind and pushers/pullers if they have the WINDTHRUST flag.
| Crushed monsters can be resurrected
|  Compat_CorpseGibs
|  33554432
|  If enabled, corpses under a vertical door or crusher are changed into gibs, rather than replaced by a different actor, if they do not have a custom Crush state. This allows an arch-vile or similar monster to resurrect them. By default, actors without a custom Crush state are removed entirely and can therefore not be raised from the dead.
| Friendly monsters aren't blocked
|  Compat_NoBlockFriends
|  67108864
|  If enabled, friendly monsters are, like in MBF, not affected by lines with the "block monsters" flag, allowing them to follow the player all around a map. This option does not, however, block them at lines with the "block player" flag.
| Invert sprite sorting
|  Compat_SpriteSort
|  134217728
|  If enabled, the original Doom sorting order for overlapping sprites is used.
| Use Doom code for hitscan checks
|  Compat_Hitscan
|  268435456
|  If enabled, the original Doom code for hitscan attacks is used. This reintroduces two bugs which makes hitscan attacks less likely to hit. The first is that it is a monster's cross-section, rather than its bounding box, that is used to check for impact; this makes attacks with a limited range (especially melee attacks) unlikely to hit very wide monsters. The second is the blockmap bug: if an actor crosses block boundaries and its center is in a different block than the one in which the impact happens, then there is no collision at all, letting attacks pass through it harmlessly.
| Find neighboring light like Doom
|  Compat_Light
|  536870912
|  If enabled, when a light level changes to the highest light level found in neighboring sectors, the search is made only for the first tagged sector, like in Doom.
| Draw polyobjects like Hexen
|  Compat_Polyobj
|  1073741824
|  Uses the old flawed polyobject system, for maps that relied on its glitches.
| Ignore Y offsets on masked midtextures
|  Compat_MaskedMidTex
|  -2147483648
|  This option emulates a vanilla renderer glitch by ignoring the Y locations of patches drawn on two-sided midtextures and instead always drawing them at the top of the texture.